Our social commitment

For years, ACI blueteam has stood out for its commitment to social work, implementing initiatives that have raised awareness among customers, suppliers, business partners and colleagues in the travel industry. We believe it is essential to contribute to the well-being of communities, both globally and locally, with a particular focus on young people.

In 2024, we will be passionately committed to supporting two important non-profit Italian organizations: Soleterre and Cometa. This activity reflects our desire to create a positive and lasting impact, investing our resources and our time to promote a better future for those less fortunate than us. With our ongoing commitment to these international and local communities, we confirm our intention to promote an inclusive, sensitive, and conscious tourism sector.

ACI blueteam

Our collaboration with Soleterre's NGO

In 2022, we started a collaboration with Soleterre NGO to address the emergency in Ukraine. The achievements include the rehabilitation of a former boarding school in Lviv that has provided shelter for 30 families and the opening of the "Unbroken Kids" rehabilitation center for war-wounded children and youth, and specifically funding the creation of a space for psychological and psychosocial care.

In 2024, we continue to cooperate with the association while keeping a high focus on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and beyond, raising awareness of the entire tourism industry in support of the many children who are deprived of their childhood.

Beneficiary: Soleterre Onlus
Reference: Emergenza Ucraina
IBAN: IT88Q0503401699000000013880

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Our results


In 2023, ACI blueteam strengthened its social commitment, continuing to support the NGO Soleterre through a new and significant project in Ukraine: UNBROKEN KIDS.

Thanks to our donations, we contributed to the financing of the renovation of a 7-story, 43,000-square-feet space at Saint Nicholas Hospital in Lviv. This space is dedicated to the medical care of adults and children affected by the war, and offers services such as reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, robotic prosthetics, physical rehabilitation, psychology, and psychosocial support to wounded patients.

"In the face of the challenges facing people in Ukraine, the Middle East, Morocco and many other parts of the world, we cannot remain indifferent. We have a duty to act with all our might. We have therefore renewed our commitment to Soleterre, considering it an honor to be able to contribute directly to these projects, and raising awareness among our partners, customers and the entire travel industry to invite them to join us in supporting Soleterre and children in need."

Piergiorgio Reggio, Corporate Leisure & Marketing Director ACI blueteam


During 2022, ACI blueteam achieved an important tangible result in its commitment to support Soleterre Onlus. Starting in March, we supported Soleterre in the emergency response in Ukraine, focusing our efforts on the renovation project of a former boarding school in Novoyarychiv, in the Lviv area. This project, also made possible thanks to the voluntary contributions of numerous ACI blueteam clients, has resulted in the creation of 30 apartments, providing a new home and restoring the dignity of 100 people.

This initiative was a significant step in our mission to support communities affected by the war, making a concrete contribution to rebuilding not only housing, but also hope for a better future.

 "The project has not only enabled the reconstruction of housing, but has restored hope to 30 families, including those with children from the devastated or displaced areas of the Donbass, giving them a place they can call 'home’."

Damiano Rizzi, President of Soleterre Onlus

ACI blueteam

In 2024 ACI blueteam chose to expand its social commitment by collaborating and supporting the Cometa di Como association, right here on our doorstep. Cometa di Como is a place that offers hospitality and support to many families through social and educational services aimed at children and teenagers. ACI blueteam employees are directly involved by dedicating part of their working time to the daily educational activities of the association.

This commitment not only supports Cometa di Como, but through direct activity raises awareness of the needs of others, promoting a corporate culture based on solidarity and attention to young people.

Beneficiary: Association of Friends of Cometa Onlus
Reference: Future Possible
IBAN IT87D0306909606100000016936

Our exclusive partnerships